Just like our writing, parenting and other web portals, the writing and publishing of books came from our own need to have high quality educational books for our children.
Pre-school period, when the child is like a tabula rasa, a blank board, and we can equip them with a huge amount of useful information. What they learn in the pre-school period, will be really useful when they grow older.
The other import stage is puberty, when a child becomes a grown woman of man and their body, personality, and relationship dynamics change completely. It is in this period that teenagers need a lot of helpful information to find their way around themselves and the world they live in.
Adults experience a huge change when they turn 40, as I have learned myself. After acquiring the necessary know-how I thus decided to devote myself to this topic in our books, too.
An interactive book of nursery rhymes ideal for children from 2 to 5 years of age which shows kids how to exercise and draw, teaches them about a healthy lifestyle, safe and respectful behaviour, as well as about the world around us (animals, flowers, musical instruments, planets and more).
Each nursery rhyme gives the child some knowledge, teaches them a new skill.
The main book of nursery rhymes, which is deliberately in a ring binding so that even hyperactive children can concentrate on one nursery rhyme at a time, includes simple graphomotor exercises called Observational Drawing, and sets of memory cards.
The first kind of memory cards with two pictures trains the memory, the set with one picture only teaches kids the initial letters and spelling and the last set of cards is empty so the child can draw their own memory cards.
The first and so far the only comprehensive and systematically compiled pre-school preparation on the Czech book market.
Four exercise books: Pencil Moves (graphomotor skills, including pictures of how to hold a pencil correctly and how to warm up the hand before writing), Brain Activators (mental development), Practical Skills for Daily Life (the practical side of life), Movement Games (dexterity, physical fitness, balance, crossover movements – coordination of movement).
Motivational element: 160 stickers that a child sticks to a huge A1 size space map for each completed task.
Diaries discover the hidden talents and strengths of children, make entering first grade and mastering it easier and, unexpectedly, the work done in the preschool year with the help of Diaries was reflected five years later in the admission of the tested children to eight-year grammar school.
For children over 3 years old these cards are a great way to practise spelling, syllabication, letter recognition or to play memory and combination games. They also expand the vocabulary of younger children. 112 hand-painted alphabet cards develop combinational and logical reasoning in children.
In the eshop:A real conversation with my 5-year-old son, where his first questions not only about where he as a baby came from were answered truthfully, but gently and in a simple way, without unnecessarily going into detail and of course with love.
Thus a love story was created. A story about two people and children born out of that love. The book offers insights into the entire human body and the birth of a child is put in the context of human life. It ends with explaining that birth is not the end, it is just the beginning, and just as parents take care of their children after birth, children should take care of their parents when they get old.
I highly recommend not missing out on these intimate moments with your children in the pre-school period, when they see everything around sex without taboos and purely realistically. No tall tales or abstract comparisons will be good enough for them, not just because young children don’t understand them anyway but also because their knowing classmates could end up making fun of them.
If you miss out on conversations about human reproduction in the pre-school period the book explains that you can still catch up until your child is about 10 years old, as some mothers did. After that there is the second stage of sex education – for teenagers
A guide for a modern teenage girl (from 11, sometimes 9 or even 13).
Although the book is extremely informative and compact, it tells a very catchy story. It is a conversation between three friends (Lilith – sister of Tom from How Children Come into the World Lucy and Šárka) with a doctor, Eva – mother of one of the girls. The girls always go to her for advice about health and many other things. Thanks to her friends and acquaintances, doctor Eva will introduce them to the secrets of makeup, cooking, as well as core and pelvic floor exercises.
The story does not lack humour, style, feminine charm and, above all, quality information so important to a teenage girl. Informationally, the book is inspired by questions not only teenagers, but also older men and women asked. Those questions were answered by doctors at the professionally backed portal Babyonline.cz.
The pictures were drawn and the book was edited by teenage girls, including my daughter with whom we took pictures of fashion, make-up, exercise and dental hygiene (those not particularly willingly ????)
A guide for teenage boys written in a comic book style – so that we don't bother them with too much feeding material. Mind you that doesn‘t mean that the book has less important information. Far from it! We just made use of a style that is nearer to today's boys – they understand more from a picture with a few speech bubbles than from a half page of text.
This book for boys has a very fresh style and is based on true stories. You wouldn't believe me how many mums called or texted me asking if I had been at their house.
In the book, we meet Tom and Lilith again – the brother and sister we know from both previous books. Only Mum, a patient friend of the girls from What Other Girls Won´t Tell You is turning into a bit of a nag during Tom's puberty. And yet it is clear that they respect each other and desire to understand and help each other.
The book is again based on questions that were asked by teenagers and answered by doctors on the Babyonline.cz portal. And, just like with the previous book, teenage boys and girls were involved in its creation and editing.
Why give a teenager a book about the human body, body care, relationships and sex? At this age, the child no longer comes to their parents to confide, he (or she) doesn´t open up that much and it is in puberty that it‘s important to beat the misinformation about sex on the internet, where the child might easily come across all kinds of obscurities but doesn‘t learn anything about real sexual behaviour and relationships between partners or about preventing STDs and pregnancy.
KA book about the most important things for a healthy baby´s development – about nutrition and exercise with 16 amazing recipes by a nutritional therapist, prepared by a leading Czech chef in the field of fine dining, photographed step by step. I came up with the topic of this book and participated in its creation, but the authors are a nutritional therapist and a physiotherapist.
In the eshop:The only comprehensive book about life after 40 with a unique process of natural rejuvenation, where I unintentionally became a test case. Fortunately, it turned out well and I try to keep the result long-term thanks to newly found self-care and the advice of doctors and other experts.
In addition to chapters focused on aesthetics, such as the process of rejuvenation, make-up and fashion after 40, the book also offers chapters on preventive health and dental care, healthy diet, exercise and advice from a gynaecologist and sexologist about the approaching climacterium and menopause
In the eshop:Kniha učící děti hravou formou moudrosti našich předků určená především pro předškoláky a školáky, své si v ní však najdou i dospělí. Jednotlivá přísloví jsou objasněna nejen slovně, ale také pomocí obrázku a říkanky, vždy nabízí i prostor pro vlastní obrázek dítěte. Ke každému přísloví v knize navíc najdete úkol nebo otázku k zamyšlení, která dává podnět pro další diskuzi s dítětem, rozvíjení jeho fantazie a vyjadřovacích schopností.
In the eshop: